Please make sure to include the following within your Frenzy Bucks entries to increase your chance of being successful. 

1. Include the Date and timestamp of when the purchase is made

2. Total amount of your order must exceed $200.

3. Your receipt or entry must include your name and must match your name within your account.

4. Your receipt or entry must include the retailer's name.

5. Purchases must be made from the brands participating in the event. A brand not participating in the event will not be a valid entry. 

            1. Include the Date and timestamp of when the purchase is made

Purchases must be made with retailers participating within the event. When collecting the receipt if the time or date is not included on the receipt from the retailer, include the confirmation email  in your submission as  this will include date and timestamp.

            2. Total amount of your order must exceed $200.

If you have multiple entries, the total of all of the entries must exceed $200 to be successful. 

                    3. Your receipt or entry must include your name and must match your name within your account.

                4. Your receipt or entry must include the retailer's name.

Purchases must be made with retailers that are participating within the event. If a receipt from a non-participating brand is submitted, the entry will be automatically disqualified.